Mindfulness Kids Video Series-Part 1

As we continue to live through Covid-19 and all of its ramifications a few things are becoming increasingly clear.  First of all- it’s not going away anytime soon and secondly- once the pandemic is “done” we will all have to find a way to adjust to and live with a new “normal” that remains unknownContinue reading “Mindfulness Kids Video Series-Part 1”

PART 1: Respond vs Reacting, What’s the Real Difference and Why is it Important?

This is one that I have really struggled with over the years. Anyone who has left their house at any time during their live can sympathize.  And now with social media, the internet and our smart phones the seemingly endless parade of triggers can find their way into the palm of your hand in an instant.Continue reading “PART 1: Respond vs Reacting, What’s the Real Difference and Why is it Important?”

PART 2: The Power of the Pause – How do You Cultivate the Ability to Respond Instead of Reacting?

So how do you cultivate the ability to respond vs react? Like most things it’s a skill. It’s a skill that can be learned, honed and mastered.  A lot of those “Zen” type of people that you see didn’t start out that way. Some did, but many, many didn’t. What you are seeing in a lotContinue reading “PART 2: The Power of the Pause – How do You Cultivate the Ability to Respond Instead of Reacting?”

PART 3: How Effective Leaders Respond: Putting it Into Practice

Now that we’ve covered what are responses vs reactions and how to cultivate the ability to P A U S E it’s time to put all this information into action so that you can employ these skills in your life or business. It’s one of the most important skills of successful and effective leaders within businesses,Continue reading “PART 3: How Effective Leaders Respond: Putting it Into Practice”

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